Our Specialists
Tinos Medical Specialities
About Tinos
Medical clinic TINOS has been promising since 2009 to become one the most respectable and most experienced medical centers in Romania.

With state-of-the-art latest technology in Otorhinolaryngology and the latest technology equipment plus the team of highly specialized medical staff has made a real success among large number of patients. Making them satisfied clients has been done by the special medical attention that every patient has been received with every visit. We have a highly rate of recommendation among our clients.
Medical services
- removal of polyps in children
- removal of the palatine tonsils
- myringotomy
- coblation / tonsillectomy
- narrowing of the nasal horns
- deviations of the nasal septum
- rhinoseptoplasty
- rigid / flexible endoscopy
- plastic surgery
- endoscopic interventions
- Otorhinolaryngology biopsy sampling
- sleep apnea surgery
- Otorhinolaryngology malformation surgery
- antro-mastoidectomy in children
- restoration of the nasolacrimal canal
- cervical surgery
Am fost cu baiatul care parea ca are o raceala si dupa consult am aflat ca era o infectie pe care am reusit sa o tratam fara antibiotic. O echipa de medici minunata si cu tact in ceea ce priveste copii. Multumim si recomandam si altor familii sa apeleze cu incredere la serviciile Tinos. Roxana Gigirtu
Dupa nenumarate consultatii la alti medici ORL, la clinica Tinos prin Dl Dr Ursuleanu am reusit sa ma tratez in ceea ce priveste rinita si sa pot respira corect. A fost nevoie de operatie de cornete care mi-a schimbat viata in bine. Multumesc Dl Doctor pentru tot ceea ce ati facut. Bogdan Tampau
Atat eu, cat si fiica mea aveam probleme cu urechea, faceam otita destul de des, dar dupa consult si tratament acum nu mai avem aceasta problema. Dorim sa multumim echipei de medici pentru profesionalism si pentru umanitatea de care au dat dovada. Nicoleta Sarbu